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Mental Health Directory

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Menu: ðŸ’” Blog 💔 Mental Health Directory 💔 Grief Resource Directory 💔 Who Killed Constance? Documentary💔  

💔 Evidence of Harassment Video Playlist ðŸ’” Letter from Mom (Home Page) 💔



  1. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 or in the U.S.A. dial 9-8-8
  2. Better Help - Phone, online, or application based low-cost therapy/counseling service (for profit company and not a governmental or community service)
  3. Crisis Care Network
  4. Canadian Crisis Text Line - Text 686868 in Canada - - Not specific to grief
  5. Domestic Violence Crisis Line Hotline 1-800-799-7233 & online at - Not specific to grief
  6. National Compassion Fund ~ A trusted way to donate directly to victims and survivors of mass crimes. Funds are built in partnership with impacted communities.
  7. National Crime Victim Bar Association ~ A professional association of attorneys and expert witnesses dedicated to helping victims seek justice through the civil court system. Learn more and access our attorney referral service.
  8. Tribal Resource Tool ~ Directory of tools and support for members of indigenous/tribal nations.
  9. Victim Connect Resource Center ~ Free, confidential support for victims and survivors of all types of crime anywhere in the USA. Phone, text, and serves available.



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